maybe not with those specific faculty members, but with vile as a whole. maybe when they were all students together, or during some of the heists they worked together on. which, to me, means that at some point they must have been.

and this is where I really like to play in the mud pit, because somehow coach brunt was raised in vile believing that they were all a family. you could write this up to brunt's more aggressive and confrontational nature, but I like to overcomplicate things so to me that was brunt trying to protect her family.even if they never extended the same courtesy to her. but as we saw at the end, maelstrom and the other vile operatives (not even just the faculty, but everyone) either tried to escape on their own or simply resigned themselves to capture, leaving brunt alone to try and fight for them. so important, in fact, that she was willing to crush her adopted daughter to death because she'd betrayed that family. She's actually one of my favorite faculty members because this is so interesting!! to her, the "family" of vile was more important than anything. brunt was fighting to protect her home and fellow faculty, but maelstrom just cut his losses and ran. meanwhile, professor maelstrom snuck out through a secret tunnel that probably only he knew about. coach brunt fought and punched her way through entire squads of acme agents before eventually being brought down. and the way brunt and maelstrom were captured at the end just really highlights this. with maelstrom, I get the vibe that he's only really part of the faculty because he can accomplish more with all the resources of vile at his disposal but the second it gets dangerous/inconvenient for him, he dips. to bellum and cleo, they're allies who collaborate together and are working toward a common goal. to coach brunt, they're a family that has each other's backs through the thick and thin. I think the biggest thing is that each faculty member has a different idea of what they all are to each other. I agree that brunt is the strongest believer in the "family," and maelstrom is probably on the opposite end of the spectrum, with bellum and cleo somewhere in between. I also agree that vile isn't necessarily not a family in the last post I was mostly focusing on how they were different from team red so some things got lost in translation.